Friday, April 19, 2013

april one three

been busy!!

building a bed: turtlebed


this new one is shaped a little like a turtle.
removed layer, pulled layer beneath. flipped removed layer then put back pulled layer, worked straw in, then layers of dirt=dirt lasagna

first layer of dirt

ooh shiny fresh dirts

aw the new guy fits right in

time for to plant

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April 3 update...

well!! so let me see...hops rhizomes are starting to peek out of the soil, greens and cabbage family stuffs are more than just sprouts now, garlics are all quite excited, peas a bit bigger, and we are working on transplanting some smaller starts from indoor to outdoor, such as tomatoes (four heirloom varieties so far), Swiss chard, broccoli, and eggplant. found some valerian and yarrow (for hops guild), catnip, and two more species of blueberries (2 kinds increases yield by 40%, 3 by 15% more, levels out around 4 kinds grown together) (two to add to the mystery shoots we have started, that is, for at least two kinds and possibly 3). also have thornless blackberry shoots to start (5?), which will not yield this year but next. progress on the fence, which we can trellis some stuffs on and also keeps out some critters and keeps in our dogs. hmmmm what else, i know I'm forgetting more!!! picture update soon, stay tuned!!